How to Choose the Right Reed Switch for Your Application?
While picking the right reed switch, you must evaluate it across a few essential aspects, including its pole and throw switch configurations, physical size, electrical specifications, etc. Let's delve into each to know how to pick the best reed switch. 1. Pole and Throw Configurations Littelfuse reed switches are available in four configurations, including, • Single pole single throw (SPST): It builds or breaks the connection of a single conductor in a single branch circuit. It has two terminals and is called a "Single-Pole" Switch. • Single pole double throw (SPDT): It builds or breaks the connection of a single conductor with any one of the two other single conductors. It has three terminals and is termed a "Three-Way" Switch. • Double pole single throw (DPST): It builds or breaks the connection of two circuit conductors in one branch circuit. Usually, it has four terminals. • Double pole double throw (DPDT): This six-terminal switch builds o...